Sunday, October 19, 2014

Contagious Energy

"In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself."
-Jiddu Krishnamurti
The entire universe consists of energy. And that energy is connected. From our inner selves to the exterior world, from the breath that leaves our lungs to the wind that blows through the air. From the words we speak to the actions we perform, to the state of the Universe. Thus, when one piece of this interwoven bond is imbalanced, that imbalance is manifested in other parts as well. In our physical body, for example, if one part of the body is not functioning or moving properly, it causes an imbalance, and often injury, in another part. Internally, if we are emotionally distressed, anxious, or depressed, that imbalance of negative over positive mental states causes physical illness. And externally, this connection is integrated into the type of energy we put into our actions, words, and interactions with others and with our surroundings. In other words, what you put out into the universe is felt, noticed, and experienced by others whether you realize it or not.
So when we practice yoga, we begin to understand that we have the key to change our lives and the lives of others. Through our practice, we learn to harness positive and meaningful energy. We learn that simply by practicing yoga, something in us changes. That change is a shift in energy. It is noticed, felt, and seen, if only subtly, by all those we encounter.

One way that we generate that shift is through the breath. Our breath is our live giving energy source. It is part of our connection to the universe. Breath is our reminder to respond, not react. The energy we harness with our breath has the power to transform a situation, our outlook, and even our life. Negative energy begets negativity. When we bring it into a situation, we receive negativity back. But when we bring positive energy, we receive positive energy, or we at least deflect the negative energy. The next time you face a challenging situation or person, come back to your breath and put all of your awareness on it. The sound it makes as it filters in through your nose and fills up your lungs, the way your chest and rib cage expand and relax. Notice the way your reactive thoughts begin to fade. Take that negative energy and transform it into a positive, peaceful response.

In the same way, the energy that you bring to your mat has the power to shape your practice. Before you come into even your first asana, you can determine what kind of practice you will have. A positive outlook, appreciation for your body and what it can do, gratitude for the uniqueness of your practice, and even a sense of humor when you slip out of a pose or loose your balance, are attitudes that bring positive energy to your space and the space around you. Energy is contagious, so spread the good instead of the bad. 
"Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you, when you start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence."

Monday, October 6, 2014

The Study of Balance

“Yoga is a practice of walking into your fear everyday and facing it head on, until there is no more fear.” - Blue Osa Yoga
As humans, we have developed a habit of walking on our feet rather than our hands. This habit is so ingrained into our way of life that the very idea of inverting ourselves (going upside down) makes many people fearful or uncertain. In fact, hearing a yoga instructor tell you you're going to be balancing on your hands (or your head) may strike fear and uncertainty into your heart or it may bring out excitement and playfulness. Going upside down allows us to focus on letting go of fear and testing our limits. We focus on inviting in a new perspective and discovering of what we are truly capable. Inviting inversions into your practice literally gives you a new perspective. It allows you to accept change and work through challenges and fear, finding centered-ness and balance. Finding our centered-ness in our practice opens the door to centered-ness in our lives. 
"Yoga is the study of balance, and balance is the aim of all living creatures: it is our home." ~Rolf Gates
In the balancing act of our lives, we are faced with things which we must either hold onto and cherish, or let go and release. We make decisions every day that either bring balance into our lives, or throw us out of balance. Everything from what we eat, to how we treat ourselves and those around us, to the way in which we view our life situation determines our state of balance or imbalance. Our inner energy state determines the outer energy that we project to others and the energy that we bring into the world. When our energy is out of balance, focusing too much on the negative, our world becomes a place of negativity. Negative energy, fear based emotions, and living too much inside our minds throws us out of balance. Negativity breeds illness and depression, positivity breeds happiness and health. Finding balance, in our lives and on our mat, is about making ourselves whole, about finding inner peace. Opposites must exist in this world, but they must come together to be whole. Without darkness, there could be no light. Without silence there could be no sound. When we practice handstand, or any inversion, we progress first to letting go of the fear of being upside down, of using our bodies and seeing things in a different way. Once that fear has passed, we work to build the physical strength to go upside down. Once the strength is built, we look for space. The space where we become whole - where we turn our world around and where we find our balance.
"It is a cosmic principle that we either live in imbalance or act to create balance. Though we may be comfortable in imbalance (which we often perceive as balance), we cannot grow in such a state. It is through shining light on that which we are not that we illuminate the road to progress." ~Aadil Palkhivala
When we give up on fear and negative energy, we free ourselves. We are free to explore new possibilities, to discover our limits and to be in awe at what we can accomplish. The act of purposely turning our world upside down, of standing on our hands instead of our feet, is a lesson in cultivating a new outlook. It changes the directional flow of our energy. It boosts immunity, builds confidence while at the same time humbling us. It teaches us patience and faith - faith to take the leap into an upside down perspective and patience to practice .
"Change is not something that we should fear. Rather, it is something that we should welcome. For without change, nothing in this world would ever grow or blossom, and no one in this world would ever move forward to become the person they're meant to be. " ~Anon.